
Canelo is a big special hunk of burning love kind of boy. Sweet as the day is long, long legs, full tail and a little bigger than your average cocker. Unfortunately this lovely boy has also got a bad ear problem in one ear. Canelo is about 7 years old and has probably had this problem in that ear for his whole life, it just went untreated. When that happens, scar tissue forms and inflammation sets in so badly that your can’t even look into the ear. This also causes the dog extreme pain. Most vets will tell you that with this kind of problem that hasn’t responded to treatment, if you can’t do TECA surgery (Total Ear Canal Ablation) then you would be better off letting them go to heaven because the quality of life is so diminished from the constant pain. Most likely this is why Canelo ended up in the shelter. This is a very risky and specialized surgery, not to mention very expensive. We have been quoted $5,300 for a Board Certified Surgeon to perform the TECA. His entire ear canal will be removed and his ear sealed shut. But, on the good side, the pain will be over and he can live a long and happy life. His other ear is not affected. We feel we owe him the best shot at a normal and full life out of pain. If you have ever had a dog with even a minor ear infection, you know how much it hurts your dog. Whining, pawing at it, rubbing it and the smell. Oh my. We really need some help with this one folks and even small donations will add up and help us relieve him of his constant misery. Can you help us to help him?

If you would like to contribute to Canelo’s care we sure would appreciate it; please use the following link: or Text SCCR-MEDICAL-COSTS to 707070 to donate Thank you in advance.


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